Welcome to No Place Like Home.

This blog is a place for information, answers and support for families who are considering international adoption, waiting or are home with their children. My name is Kimberley and I am the coordinator of this site. This blog is truly a network of families who are willing to support others along their journey to their child. The blogs listed on my sidebar are arranged by country and these families have volunteered to act as a resource to anyone who needs one. These are amazing people who are dedicated to helping families who are on the journey to their children in another country. If you are looking for someone to talk with or if you have a blog and would like to be available to help others, please feel free to e-mail me at timnkim@gmail.com.

Friday, January 9, 2009

US 2008 Adoption Statistics

Top 10 Countries

Guatemala 4,123

China 3,909

Russia 1,861

Ethiopia 1,725

South Korea 1,065

Vietnam 751

Ukraine 457

Kazakhstan 380

India 307

Colombia 306

*Numbers are from the US Department of State


Anonymous said...

What fascinating stats! I see a decline happening :(. I am not aware there has been a decline in orphans...

Lena Just Lena said...

Thanks for posting this info!


Middle-Aged Moi said...

I didn't know people could adopt from India! Is it open?

Anonymous said...

It does seem as there is an overall decline. However is there a decline in orphans? It just makes me sad.
And we wait, and wait.