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Adoption Alert
Bureau of Consular Affairs
Office of Children’s Issues
May 26, 2009
Adoptions of Abandoned Children Halted by Ethiopian Court
On May 4, 2009 the Ethiopian First Instance Court temporarily stopped accepting cases involving abandoned children referred by orphanages in Addis Ababa, citing a substantial increase in the number of children being brought for adoption. The number of abandoned children from orphanages in Addis Ababa has grown dramatically in recent months and Ethiopian authorities have become aware of possible cases of unethical practices associated with some of them.
Please continue to monitor adoption.state.gov for updated information on Ethiopia.
Date of Release:April 30,2009 Souce:CCAA | |
Help us again by donating to our 2009 Born In My Heart Art Auction.
Our 2009 Born In My Heart Art Auction is April 23 - 28.
Deadline for donations is April 1st, 2009.
For more information, please email an Auction Coordinator at auction@lwbmail.com
Examples of donations might be paintings, photography, sculpture, quilts, gift baskets (a great idea for DTC groups!), China-related books, cookware, scrapbooking, dolls, heirlooms, jewelry...something that reflects your own passions, talents and love for China's orphans.
Guatemala 4,123
China 3,909
Russia 1,861
Ethiopia 1,725
South Korea 1,065
Vietnam 751
Ukraine 457
Kazakhstan 380
India 307
Colombia 306
*Numbers are from the US Department of State